Including the residents of East Kalimantan in Indonesia Most Happy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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Including the residents of East Kalimantan in Indonesia Most Happy

Including the residents of East Kalimantan in Indonesia Most Happy

February 5, 2015 | BPS Activities

Gambar Kegiatan
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded the happiness index of Indonesia in 2014, which is 68.28. There are three areas that the highest happiness index.

"In the area, there are three provinces highest happiness index, namely Riau, Maluku and East Kalimantan," BPS chief, Suryamin, in a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, February 5th, 2015.

According to BPS data, Riau happiness index recorded the highest, ie 72.42. Then, followed by Maluku 72.12, and 71.45 East Kalimantan.

"In East Kalimantan no oil resources and its inhabitants are not so great. If in Riau, there is free trade areas whose economies are most flattering. Thus, high levels of happiness," he said.

Meanwhile, there are three provinces happiness lowest level, namely Papua, Nusa Tenggara and West Sumatra. Papua happiness index 60.97, 66.92 Nusa Tenggara and West Sumatra 66.79.
"The least that Papua," he said.

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