Activity, Jakarta-body Bureau of Statistics (BPS) released the Indonesian people's happiness index in 2013. The survey said the Indonesian happy to live their lives with the points 65.11%.
"Nationally, the Indonesia is categorized happy in his life," BPS chief Suryamin the happiness index exposure and inequality together with the chief editor of the media at the Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, was quoted as saying on Wednesday (04/16/2014) night.
In the survey measurements, from 0-25% categorized as unhappy, 25-50% less happy, 50-75% and 75-100% happy very happy. Indonesian people's happiness level is the category of 50-75%, which means it is happy. Although the approach is less happy.
"Indeed if you look at the percentage that we are in the middle, which means happy, but thin on the less happy," he explained.
On the same occasion, Deputy Balance and Statistical Analysis BPS Kecuk Suharyanto add indicators of happiness of the three dimensions. Namely personal, social and environmental.
From the personal side, there are several components in it, namely income, employment levels and the condition of the home and assets. These three components contributed large enough in happiness.
"If the income greater ideally it shows the happier, level of work related to the position and the level that has been achieved and the condition of the home and how much the asset is owned," said Kecuk.
While the social dimension is the condition of an individual with other individuals who are very close, One is family. Family harmony was instrumental in creating happiness.
Environmental dimension associated with the condition of the individual with security around its activities. Then by familiarity with the neighbors or those who are outside the family.
"So when people on the social and environmental dimensions to get a sense of satisfaction, then it certainly helps happy," he added.
Survey conducted by CBS since 2013, involving a sample of 9500 people spread across various regions in Indonesia. This index is still in the experimental stage. So have not been able to be broken down by province.
In the index will be completed later in 2014, involving more samples. With the aim that is reflected in more detail than the index of happiness