The majority of residents Bontang Consuming Water Plumbing and Water Refill - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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The majority of residents Bontang Consuming Water Plumbing and Water Refill

The majority of residents Bontang Consuming Water Plumbing and Water Refill

October 2, 2013 | BPS Activities

Most households in Bontang consume tap water and refill water. The number reached 87.65 percent of all households. It proficiency level shows that the level of public confidence in Bontang to consume water delivered by water companies, either by way of cooking itself or by way of purchase of water refill business is quite high. However, with fairly rapid development of housing and settlements in Bontang, there are some homes that have not been served by water companies, so there are households that use water taps by buying into a neighbor who already subscribe to or buy from the tank car. It was shown in Table 7.5. above, which is about 1.23 percent of households using retail water as the main source of drinking water.

In addition, there are about 4.94 percent of households use water in branded packaging. This is generally done by household income above average considering the price of branded bottled water is much higher than the refill water. Meanwhile, in some regions in Bontang, groundwater is considered unfit for consumption. There are about 6.17 percent of households use ground water either by means of artesian wells / pumps and wells usual. The use of water from ordinary wells need to consider at least two things. First, if the water content is suitable for consumption or not. Second, the well should be protected by a wall on the circumference of the well. It was intended that the water used to wash or shower is not pervasive and contaminate well water. When viewed in the percentage of household well water users, there are still about 2.47 per cent of households using well water which is not protected. This can be due to lack of knowledge or for other reasons such as cost and others.
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