One of the efforts to realize and develop the National Statistical System (SSN), the President of the Republic of Indonesia has launched a policy on governance of government data. This government policy is known as Satu Data Indonesia (SDI), a government data management that aims to create quality data, easily accessible, and can be shared between Central Agencies and Regional Agencies. In implementing the SDI principle, the data generated by the data producer must meet certain criteria, one of which is having metadata. Metadata is information that is structured in such a way as to describe, explain, locate, facilitate searching, using, or managing information resources (Riley, 2017). Metadata can be referred to as data about data or information about information.
The collection of statistical activity metadata in Bontang Municipality was carried out from 15 October 2021 to 17 November 2021. This statistical activity metadata collection was carried out in several OPDs in Bontang Municipality, such as the Health Office, Manpower Office, District Court, Religious Court, and several OPD other. There are three metadata collected, namely activity metadata, variable metadata, and indicator metadata. The collection of statistical activity metadata aims to obtain an overview of the quality of statistical activities based on the stages of implementation, the methods used, etc. The attributes collected include the organizer and person in charge, planning and preparation, design of the implementation of activities, statistical methods used, quality assurance, processing and analysis, as well as plans for dissemination of activity results. Collecting metadata of statistical variables aims to get a picture of the quality of how statistical data is collected, whether the information collected is representatively represented by using the right variables. Meanwhile, the collection of statistical indicator metadata aims to get an overview of the quality of how the indicators are produced and presented correctly, whether the indicators are built using the right calculation method and variable selection.