2020 Population Census Records Bontang's Population of 178,917 People - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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2020 Population Census Records Bontang's Population of 178,917 People

Release Date : January 21, 2021
File Size : 1.34 MB


  • The Population Census is a mandate of Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, which is held every ten years in years ending in zero. The 2020 Population Census is the seventh population census since Indonesia's independence.
  • For the first time in the history of the population census in Indonesia, SP2020 uses a combination method, namely by utilizing Population Administration data from the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs as the basis for implementing SP2020. This is designed and implemented as an effort to realize "ONE INDONESIAN POPULATION DATA".
  • SP2020 recorded that the population of Bontang in September 2020 was 178,917 people. Since 2010, the population of Bontang has increased by around 35,234 people, or an average of 3,523 people every year. 
  • Of the 178,917 inhabitants of Bontang, 87.03 percent or around 155.7 thousand people live according to their KK / KTP. Meanwhile, 12.97 percent or as many as 23,2 thousand other residents did not live in accordance with their KK / KTP.
  • Bontang is still in the demographic bonus period, which is indicated by 66.97 percent of the population in the productive age in 2020.
  • Bontang the percentage of the elderly population that reached 4.8 percent in 2020, less than 10 percent.
  • SP2020 recorded that the total male population in Bontang was 92.94 thousand or 51.94 percent of the population of Bontang. Meanwhile, the total female population in Bontang is 85.99 people, or 48.05 percent of the population of Bontang. From those two information, the sex ratio of the population of Bontang is 108.08, which means that there are 108 men per 100 women in Bontang in 2020.

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