Farewell of Mr. Totok Arianto - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

The Bontang City BPS Integrated Statistics Service (PST) serves from 08.00 to 15.30 wita every working day.

For the latest information on BPS Bontang City activities, come follow our Instagram at @bpskotabontang

Latest Macro Indicators: Unemployment Rate 2023: 7.74 percent; Percentage of Poor Population 2023: 4.11 percent; Human Development Index 2023: 81.63

Farewell of Mr. Totok Arianto

Farewell of Mr. Totok Arianto

May 8, 2024 | Other Activities

Mr. Totok is an inspiring, hardworking figure who always spreads goodness. Thank you for the dedication and enthusiasm you have shared while serving at BPS, Mr Totok.

Good job and good luck in your new place.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bontang (BPS-Statistics of Bontang Municipality)Jl. Awang Long No.02 Kelurahan Bontang Baru

Kecamatan Bontang Utara

Kota Bontang

Kalimantan Timur 75311

Telp (62-548) 26066

Faks (62-548) 27706

e-mail : bps6474@bps.go.id





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