Implementation of Subround Crop Cutting Survey 2nd Subround (May-August) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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Latest Macro Indicators: Unemployment Rate 2023: 7.74 percent; Percentage of Poor Population 2023: 4.11 percent; Human Development Index 2023: 81.63

Implementation of Subround Crop Cutting Survey 2nd Subround (May-August)

Implementation of Subround Crop Cutting Survey 2nd Subround (May-August)

May 30, 2021 | BPS Activities

The implementation of the Crop Cutting Survey activity this time was assisted by STITEK Bontang students who were carrying out street vendors at BPS Bontang City. Crop Cutting Survey activities have their own challenges that are not found in other survey activities. Tile tools with a fairly heavy weight consisting of scales, pegs, and stainless steel, as well as the location of tiles that are sometimes difficult to reach are a challenge for the officers. However, the officers remained enthusiastic in carrying out Crop Cutting Survey activities in order to produce quality data.

#data #bps #bontang
#farming #production

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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