Sharing Knowledge: Inflation and Price Development Index - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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Sharing Knowledge: Inflation and Price Development Index

Sharing Knowledge: Inflation and Price Development Index

April 26, 2024 | Other Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Bontang City again held Knowledge Sharing on Friday (04/26/2024), at the Meeting Room on Floor II of BPS Bontang City. This Knowledge Sharing is one of the means to improve the quality and knowledge capacity of all Bontang City BPS employees.
The Knowledge Sharing that took place this time was related to Inflation and Price Development Index which was explained by Mr. Widiyantono SST., M.Stat. He explained that inflation is a tendency to increase the prices of goods and services in general which continues continuously. Then, to measure the inflation rate, BPS uses an indicator, namely the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Changes in the CPI over time describe the rate of increase (inflation) or rate of decline (deflation) of goods and services.
The Price Development Index is an index that measures changes in the prices of 20 food commodities which have a large weight in the CPI and can be influenced by regional government policies. IPH uses weights from expenditure results in the Bontang City National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). If there is an IPH commodity that is not in Susenas, then for that commodity use the sister city IHK weight, namely the CPI weight for cities/districts that have similar consumption characteristics to Bontang City.

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