SINASI (Neraca Terintegrasi) 2021 online training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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SINASI (Neraca Terintegrasi) 2021 online training

SINASI (Neraca Terintegrasi) 2021 online training

June 22, 2021 | BPS Activities

On 22-24 June 2021, BPS Bontang Municipality, BPS East Kalimantan Province & BPS RI, held an online training on the 2021 integrated balance sheet survey. This survey aims to determine the structure of income and expenses of businesses/companies, trade and transportation margins, as well as an overview of marine activities in Indonesia.

This survey is a collaboration between SKNP (Survei Khusus Neraca Produksi), SKSJ (Survei Khusus Bidang Jasa), and the In-depth study SEEA (System of Environmental-Economic Accounting). SINASI is carried out regularly every year with a different number of samples in each region. For example, the province of East Kalimantan, especially the Bontang Municipality, will be a sample of the SINASI 2021. So whoever is chosen, we ask for your willingness to ask us about the scope and amount of production of their business.

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