Launching 3 Data Innovations and Dissemination of One Indonesia Data (SDI) Bontang Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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Latest Macro Indicators: Unemployment Rate 2023: 7.74 percent; Percentage of Poor Population 2023: 4.11 percent; Human Development Index 2023: 81.63

Launching 3 Data Innovations and Dissemination of One Indonesia Data (SDI) Bontang Municipality

Launching 3 Data Innovations and Dissemination of One Indonesia Data (SDI) Bontang Municipality

June 21, 2021 | Other Activities

All OPD in Bontang Municipality attended this activity. The Head of BPS Bontang Municipality had the opportunity to be a speaker related to sectoral data development along with the other three speakers, namely Drs. Dasuki, M.Si. (Head of Bontang Diskominfo) who explained about the implementation of SDI in Bontang Municipality, Mr. Sofyan Agus, S.Si. (Head of the Statistical Section on Samarinda Municipality Diskominfo) who explained the best practice in organizing One Indonesia Data in Samarinda Municipality, and Mr. Y Budi Sulistioadi, S.Hut, M.Sc., M.S., Ph.D. (Coordinator of the Center for Geospatial Information Infrastructure Development, Mulawarman University) who explained the management of Geospatial Data. He also conveyed the importance of collaboration of all relevant parties to be able to realize One Data Indonesia.
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