Mid-year 2013, the Trade Sector, Hotel, and Restaurant Workers Absorb 29.55 Percent - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bontang Municipality

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Mid-year 2013, the Trade Sector, Hotel, and Restaurant Workers Absorb 29.55 Percent

Mid-year 2013, the Trade Sector, Hotel, and Restaurant Workers Absorb 29.55 Percent

October 1, 2013 | BPS Activities

Business field Trade, Hotels and Restaurants labor absorbing most Bontang in 2013, which reached 29.55 percent of the total workforce there. Based on gender, the percentage of the female population is much more involved in this business field when compared to the male population. There are approximately 56.74 percent of the women who work in the sector of Trade, Hotels and Restaurants. While the male population is only about 16.72 percent. The second largest number of workers are in the Business Sector Other Services. Which belong to the business field include public administration and defense, education services, health services, social services, and personal services serving households. Approximately 23.86 percent of the workforce are in the field of Bontang this business. Female population also dominate in this business field, which is about 34.04 per cent and the male population of about 19.06 percent.

The next highest number of workers are in the Business Field Farm, which is about 14.55 percent. It is influenced by the area of ​​Bontang that nearly 70 percent of the sea area, so the fisheries sector which is part of the Business Sector Agriculture is high enough to absorb labor. Unlike the two previous business field, men's labor in the agricultural sector dominates at around 20.74 percent. While the female labor force is only about 1.42 percent of the entire workforce of women.

Construction, and Mining and quarrying is two business field next highest employment. Construction absorbs about 11.36 percent of the workforce, while mining and quarrying absorb approximately 8.86 percent of the workforce. The construction sector is affected by the number of people who fairly quickly, so the demand for a place to stay high. In accordance with the nature of the job requires physical strength, manpower men dominate in both the business field, ie 16.05 per cent in the construction sector and 13.04 in the mining and quarrying sector. While the number of women workers is very small. The interesting thing of labor in the mining sector is that in Bontang itself actually does not have a field of mining, especially oil and gas mining instead. Field mining sector enterprises owned by the district around Bontang. While many of its workforce by residents as residents Bontang because it is the nearest city with a fairly decent facilities.

In Bontang, there are two international industrial companies, namely PT. Fertilizer East Kalimantan (CCP) as a fertilizer, and PT. Badak NGL producing liquefied natural gas. Activities of the two companies is included in the Industrial Manufacturing. Employment in this business field is of 3.41 percent. Disaggregation by sex, women workers are absorbed in this business field is equal to 2.84 percent and male labor force of 3.68 percent. Both companies have a major role not only in the labor market but also to the economy of Bontang. The existence of these two companies spurred the emergence of supporting efforts both in industry, construction, trade, and services
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